Timor-Leste has taken a significant step towards enhancing trade facilitation by expanding the capabilities of its electronic single window system, TileSW. Developed in partnership with UNCTAD using ASYCUDA technologies, this innovative system streamlines customs processes and connects eight government agencies responsible for approving the release of goods. This article explores the transformative impact of Timor-Leste's electronic single window system on international trade, efficiency, and sustainability.


Enhancing Trade Facilitation:

Timor-Leste's implementation of the electronic single window system represents a significant milestone in the nation's trade facilitation endeavors. This electronic integration of customs and partner government agencies streamlines customs clearance paperwork, effectively eliminating delays and promoting a more efficient and environmentally friendly trade process. By reducing administrative burdens and paperwork, the initiative significantly lowers costs, enhances clearance controls, and advances paperless trade practices. Furthermore, this forward-thinking initiative aligns with the principles of sustainable development outlined in the UN Agenda 2030, fostering economic growth and promoting environmental sustainability in Timor-Leste. Through the adoption of innovative technologies like the electronic single window system, Timor-Leste demonstrates its commitment to modernizing trade processes and driving progress towards a more sustainable and prosperous future.

Benefits of the Single Window System:

The single window system in Timor-Leste simplifies import and export procedures, reduces the environmental impact of trade, and contributes to resource-saving and time efficiency. By expediting trade procedures and transactions, the system supports the private sector and enhances overall business transactions. It streamlines various processes, including motor vehicle import authorization, joint inspections, certificate of origin applications, and customs declaration paperwork, benefiting importers, exporters, and government authorities alike.

Promoting Efficiency and Sustainability:

The electronic single window system significantly improves the efficiency of customs clearance processes, allowing authorities to process paperwork well in advance of goods' arrival. It also facilitates online user self-registration, enabling traders to access TileSW services conveniently. The system's availability in multiple languages and its compatibility with English, Portuguese, and Tetun languages enhance accessibility and usability for a wider range of stakeholders.

Impact on Environmental and Economic Costs:

Data from government agencies reveals substantial reductions in paper usage and trips between customs and other offices, leading to lower environmental and economic costs of trade. The system has improved control over imports, reduced delays and demurrage costs, and streamlined tax exemptions and customs clearance for various goods. These enhancements not only benefit traders and government authorities but also contribute to a more efficient and sustainable trade environment.


Timor-Leste's electronic single window system, developed in collaboration with UNCTAD, represents a significant advancement in trade facilitation, efficiency, and sustainability. By leveraging cutting-edge technologies and promoting seamless data exchange, the system streamlines customs processes, reduces paperwork, and enhances the overall trade experience. This initiative aligns with global efforts to promote equitable participation in the global economy and implement trade facilitation agreements, ultimately fostering economic growth and sustainable development in Timor-Leste.